Program Overview
About Lancaster University
Located on a beautiful campus in the North West of England, the University places great emphasis on a strong student experience and employability and gives students access to academics who are experts in their field.
Lancaster is one of only a handful of universities with a collegiate system which has helped to forge a strong sense of identity and loyalty, and continues to be a distinctive feature of student life at Lancaster. Students from one hundred countries make up a thriving community based around our nine colleges, creating a culturally diverse campus in a location that boasts the combination of city, coast and countryside. The Lancaster University campus occupies a beautiful 360-acre parkland site at Bailrigg, just three miles from Lancaster City Centre.
Term date
- Host Institutions usually organize orientation activities for exchange students, with some mandatory, which take place 1-2 weeks before the start of the term. You should refer to the acceptance package and pay attention to the expected arrival or pick-up dates specified by your host institution.
- You should only depart after finishing all the final examinations (including resits) since host institutions will not make special arrangement for taking any examinations other than scheduled.
- Please CLICK HERE for more information on host institution’s term dates.
Eligibility (for students applying via School of Science)
You are eligible to apply for the exchange program if you are:
- A non-final year undergraduate student in a 3-Year program in the School of Science, or
- A Year 2 or 3 undergraduate student in the 4-Year program in the School of Science
- AND having CGA at 2.5 or above (students with CGA below 2.5 may still submit application; offers will be granted under special consideration)
Application Process
To apply, click the "Apply Now via SSCI" button on this page. The whole application process has two steps.
Step 1: Complete HKUST application form and submit supplementary documents
If you are nominated, you will be notified to submit a formal host institution application. Your School will provide you with detailed information and application instructions in due course.
Visa Information
CLICK HERE for details on visa and residence permit.
Health Insurance
Health insurance is required by law in some countries. Please CLICK HERE for details.
Arranging accommodation in some cities can be very difficult. Start early and CLICK HERE for details.