Program Overview
About Sabanci University
With science, technology, and social structures advancing day by day, the world needs more qualified individuals who possess the knowledge and skills required to pursue a career anywhere in the world. Aware of this pressing issue, in 1994 the Sabanc? Group decided to establish a "world university" led by the Sabanc? Foundation. Since 1999, when students began enrolling, Sabanc? University itself has set an example for many universities.
Sabanci's mission is to develop internationally competent and confident individuals, enriched with the ability to reflect critically and independently, combined with a strong sense of social responsibility; To contribute to the development of science and technology on a global level, as well as disseminating the knowledge created to the benefit of the community.
Sabanci University strives to define and make visible all issues that concern us at large, and focus on applied techniques to meet the social and technological needs of the future. We adopt an interdisciplinary approach of “learning to learn” to cultivate knowledge, support education and facilitate social advancement.
Sabanci University will cultivate its existing local and regional comparative advantages to generate, articulate, uncover and develop leading-edge knowledge in order to create competitive competencies within an international and global context. The University will take active initiative to form and to select international and global educational and research networks.
Sabanci University will be an innovative institution responsive to the needs of all our constituents through a participatory culture that embraces diversity and freedoms. We will have an interdisciplinary educational infrastructure that will create and disseminate knowledge. Sabanc? University aspires to become an international reference point for innovation in education and research.
About Istanbul
Istanbul is Turkey's most populous city as well as its cultural and financial hub. Located on both sides of the Bosphorus, the narrow strait between the Black Sea and the Marmara Sea, Istanbul bridges Asia and Europe both physically and culturally. Istanbul's population is estimated to be between 12 and 19 million people, making it also one of the largest cities in Europe and the world.
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Click Here for a list of courses offered to exchange students.
Term date
- Host Institutions usually organize orientation activities for exchange students, with some mandatory, which take place 1-2 weeks before the start of the term. You should refer to the acceptance package and pay attention to the expected arrival or pick-up dates specified by your host institution.
- You should only depart after finishing all the final examinations (including resits) since host institutions will not make special arrangement for taking any examinations other than scheduled.
- Please CLICK HERE for more information on host institution’s term dates.
Eligibility (for students applying via School of Engineering)
You are eligible to apply for the exchange program if you are:
- Currently enrolling in an undergraduate degree program (either 3-year or 4-year) with the 1st major in the School of Engineering;
- In Year 2 standing or above in the mentioned programs by the time the application is submitted, and will NOT have completed all degree requirements at the start of the exchange term;
- Will have attained a CGA (Cumulative Grade Average) of 2.50 or above (Applicants with a CGA in the range of 2.15 to 2.499 will be considered on a case basis)
- by the end of Fall if the application is for exchange in Fall of the following academic year; or
- by the end of Spring if the application is for exchange in Spring of the following academic year; and
- Have no record of uncleared failure in any required course in the major program
Application Process
To apply, click the “Apply Now via SENG” button on this page. The whole application process has two steps.
Step 1: Complete HKUST application form and submit supplementary documents
If you are nominated, you will be notified to submit a formal host institution application. Your School will provide you with detailed information and application instructions in due course.
Visa Information
CLICK HERE for details on visa and residence permit.
Health Insurance
Health insurance is required by law in some countries. Please CLICK HERE for details.
Arranging accommodation in some cities can be very difficult. Start early and CLICK HERE for details.