Program Overview
About University of Virginia
The University of Virginia is distinctive among institutions of higher education. Founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1819, the University sustains the ideal of developing, through education, leaders who are well-prepared to help shape the future of the nation. The University is public, while nourished by the strong support of its alumni. It is also selective; the students who come here have been chosen because they show the exceptional promise Jefferson envisioned.
U.Va. consists of eleven schools based in Charlottesville and the College at Wise in southwest Virginia. U.Va. offers 88 bachelor’s degrees in 85 fields, 90 master’s degrees and 54 doctoral degrees in 88 fields. Five educational-specialist degrees and two professional degrees in law and medicine are also offered.
About Charlottesville
Set in the shadow of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Charlottesville is regularly ranked as one of the country's best places to live. This culturally rich town of 45,000 is home to the University of Virginia (UVA), which attracts Southern aristocracy and artsy lefties in equal proportion. With the UVA grounds and pedestrian downtown area overflowing with students, couples, professors and the occasional celebrity under a blanket of blue skies, 'C-ville' is practically perfect. Charlottesville Visitor Center is a helpful office in the heart of downtown.
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Click Here for a list of courses offered to exchange students.
Term date
- Host Institutions usually organize orientation activities for exchange students, with some mandatory, which take place 1-2 weeks before the start of the term. You should refer to the acceptance package and pay attention to the expected arrival or pick-up dates specified by your host institution.
- You should only depart after finishing all the final examinations (including resits) since host institutions will not make special arrangement for taking any examinations other than scheduled.
- Please CLICK HERE for more information on host institution’s term dates.
Eligibility (for students applying via School of Business and Management)
SBM 4Y students can exchange-out either in Year-3 Fall or Spring or Year-4 Fall. Application periods are usually the year before exchange and are as follows:
- Year-3 Fall Exchange – Apply end of 2nd year fall
- Year-3 Spring Exchange – Apply end of 2nd year spring
- Year-4 Fall Exchange – Apply end of 3rd year fall
Exchange CGA Requirements: The minimum CGA criterion for exchange is 2.65 (Past Average CGA for 2014/15)
Application Process
To apply, click the "Apply Now via SBM" button on this page. The whole application process has two steps.
Step 1: Complete HKUST application form and submit supplementary documents
If you are nominated, you will be notified to submit a formal host institution application. Your School will provide you with detailed information and application instructions in due course.
Visa Information
CLICK HERE for details on visa and residence permit.
Health Insurance
Health insurance is required by law in some countries. Please CLICK HERE for details.
Arranging accommodation in some cities can be very difficult. Start early and CLICK HERE for details.