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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options.
  • Locations: Nice, France
  • Program Terms: Fall, Spring
  • Homepage: Click to visit
  • Restrictions: HKUST applicants only
  • Budget Sheets: Fall, Spring
  • This program is currently not accepting applications.
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Click here for a definition of this term Languages of Instruction: English Language Requirement: Exempted
Accommodation: Off-campus only
Program Description:

Program Overview

About EDHEC Business School

EDHEC is a French Business School affiliated to the Catholic University in Lille. Its two main campuses (Lille, Nice ) and three executive campus (Paris, London and Singapore) have an enrolment of over 5,500 full-time students and are offering highly competitive business degrees at the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels. Ranked among the top five programmes in Management in France, EDHEC is one of the few management schools with the three AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA accreditations. The school has a selective national entrance examination and recruiters appreciate our candidates’ broad academic knowledge, competence in two foreign languages (in addition to French) and experience gained from practical internships carried out throughout Europe. EDHEC is currently pursuing contacts at the Graduate level with more than 100 select institutions worldwide.

About Nice

Nice is a large city in France on the French Riviera. It's a popular destination for vacationers both young and old, with something to offer nearly everyone. It is well known for the beautiful view on the Promenade des Anglais, its famous waterfront, and is an ethnically diverse port city.

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Click Here for a list of courses offered to exchange students. (Login information - Username: partner, password: guest)

Term date

  • Host Institutions usually organize orientation activities for exchange students, with some mandatory, which take place 1-2 weeks before the start of the term. You should refer to the acceptance package and pay attention to the expected arrival or pick-up dates specified by your host institution.
  • You should only depart after finishing all the final examinations (including resits) since host institutions will not make special arrangement for taking any examinations other than scheduled.
  • Please CLICK HERE for more information on host institution’s term dates.

For eligibility and application procedures, please refer to this page.

Visa Information

CLICK HERE for details on visa and residence permit.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is required by law in some countries. Please CLICK HERE for details.


Arranging accommodation in some cities can be very difficult. Start early and CLICK HERE for details.

Last update: 28 Dec 2016

This program is currently not accepting applications.