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Programs : Budget Sheet

The following listing represents the Fall Budget Sheet for HKUST School of Business and Management Undergraduate Outbound Exchange Program: City, University of London (United Kingdom).

Fall Budget Sheet for HKUST School of Business and Management Undergraduate Outbound Exchange Program: City, University of London (United Kingdom)
Fall Budget Sheet for HKUST School of Business and Management Undergraduate Outbound Exchange Program: City, University of London (United Kingdom)
Budget Item Outbound Program
Return flight between Hong Kong and host destination   $10,000.00
Living costs (including accommodation/meals/other living costs)   $56,000.00
Visa processing and related fees   $1,100.00
Study cost (including books and supplies/student fees/transcript/document fee etc.)   $1,200.00
Total: $68,300.00
All amounts are estimated average in HKD for reference only.
Reference exchange rate: Please click HERE
  • Accommodation expenses may vary depending on the housing option.
  • Meal and living costs vary depending on individual life style.
  • You are advised to check the visa application procedures and the related fees a few months before the program starts.